¿Los Estados Unidos? American Culture Under Attack

I don’t think so and neither should you or any thinking American. This is not Los Estados Unidos. This is the United States. But, many Americans disagree with me. Liberals in America and more importantly President Obama disagree with me. This is not something new, however, it has been the unstated policy by both Federal and some State governments for decades.

America has been aptly described as a melting pot. For about two hundred years, people from all over the world immigrated to the United States looking for a better life. They came here without any expectations that they should be treated as special. They struggled to learn our language and to assimilate into our culture. But, then things began to change.

As the numbers of Spanish-speaking immigrants (both legal and illegal) grew to become a significant percentage of our population, government in its infinite wisdom decided that these immigrants deserved special accommodations. In many states today, it is not necessary for these immigrants to learn English. These people can take their test for a driver’s license in Spanish as well as register to vote in spanish and, therefore all election ballots are printed in both English and Spanish. Many schools are bilingual. The net result of these accommodations is that there is less and less assimilation into the “Americanâ€