By Kerry Lester
Illinois’ newest senator Saturday joined a Republican filibuster to block legislation championed by his senior Democratic colleague.

Sen. Mark Kirk was one of the 41 Senators to vote to prevent the Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors (DREAM) Act from moving forward for a vote on the chamber floor.

Because Republicans will take control of the House, as well as pick up several Senate seats come January, political analysts predict that the legislation providing undocumented youth living in the U.S. with a path to citizenship through education or military service will likely not come forward again for two years’ time.

Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin, one of the sponsors of the bipartisan legislation, expressed disappointment, but promised to keep fighting for its passage.[u]
“While today’s vote was a setback, it has not changed our resolve. Throughout our history, the expansion of freedom and justice has required determination and courage,â€