Mr Hatch,
If you think HB116 is not an amnesty bill, you are just not listening and extremely out of touch with the AMERICAN people. What you do in Utah will have a great negative impact on states surrounding Utah and the rest of the country. I left a town in So. Cal. because of runaway illegal immigration. Sixteen years ago it was a nice middle class neighborhood. Within five years of my arriving a dramatic change took place. The changes were not good changes. Crime, violence, noise, trash, street vendors and rarely do you hear English being spoken. These changes were not just in our immediate neighborhood. The changes were in the entire town and surrounding towns. In February, two years ago, our home was robbed and trashed. Five months later, just before the Fourth of July, we had our American flag torn down and urinated on, our garage door spray painted with racial slurs and threats in Spanish. Do you know what was done about these incidents? Nothing, the officers on both occasions were Hispanic and told us that there was really nothing they could do. When they left our home they left speaking Spanish to each other and laughing as they walked to their car. I moved soon after, to Nevada. This was not an easy decision for my husband and myself. He still has two years to work before retirement so being apart, plus the cost of two households are burdens we should not have been forced to carry. I would like to hope that the same thing won't happen here, but with decisions like HB116 the change here will be inevitable. It will be a magnet that draws illegals across the border in even greater numbers. I am terrified that our hard earned retirement will be made into another nightmare that I cannot bear to live through again. Remove the magnets and they will have no reason to come here. Enforce existing immigration laws.