Published: April 26, 2017, at 4:00 pm

Over the last week, after Donald Trump announced his cave in on DACA to the Associated Democrats… I mean press, I’ve seen quite a few people try to reconcile their support for Donald Trump as President of the United States and his support for continuing an illegal executive “memorandum” by the former President of the United States.

There is no sugar coating this, Donald Trump made a promise to repeal President Obama’s illegal actions on immigration immediately. It has been three months, he’s had a huge amount of time to stop this, he has so far refused. He lied.

He tells the illegal alien “DREAMERS” that they can “rest easy.”
This is a matter of the heart.

Who else said something similar?

Oh yeah, Rick Perry. Here he showcases the establishment emotional liberal viewpoint:

<font color="#000000"><span style="font-family: Open Sans">

Just listen to this video, the Republican base wants their Republican Presidents to get tough on illegal aliens in this country.

Donald Trump seems to have forgotten that and started listening to this:


And so not only did he break a major campaign pledge on immigration, he is still granting permits to those who are applying to compete with actual American workers under DACA.

Just like Donald Trump promised that he would repeal and replace Obamacare. We got extend and expand. Candidate Trump never said at one of his rallies when he said “I’m going to keep 98% of Obamacare! Isn’t that great!?” to thousands of cheering supporters.

Gorsuch was a big win. The final killing of the TPA and the judicial filibuster were also YUGE wins. We cannot minimize those whilst also talking about these other issues.

However, while those were very good for the country, many of Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters have been burned by expecting him to keep to his very public promises, that have turned to ash, as he transitioned into the Presidency.

It may be that Donald Trump just was not expecting to be President of the United States. The polls, his internal polls and media polls, all agreed that Hillary Rodham Clinton was going to be the next President of the United States. When the voters chose him, he may have panicked, turning to those who reassured him: “This is what you need to do. The candidate Trump is over, we need to govern the entire people. We need to unite the country” and so on and so forth. I envision that most of what we have seen so far is the result of the many advisers whispering into his ear over the last few months. But ultimately, the buck stops with the President, and the President appointed these people to advise him.

If President Trump eventually fulfills them as he promised them to the voters, great! If not, say hello to generic Democrat President 2020.


President Trump didn’t win a majority of the American people’s vote. Fortunately his platform won enough support over the entire United States to push him to a large victory in the electoral college. People were voting for a candidate who clearly spelled out his platform. They voted for a candidate who described how he was going to Make America Great Again.

They voted for an America First policy.

In my opinion, President Trump’s coalition includes the traditional conservative voter, the Republican voter, and two new groups: the white working class and the alt-right/nationalists.

The white working class and the nationalists both generally have the same goals in mind. Stop the globalist onslaught against America, stop the favoritism of the foreign worker over the American worker.

The white working class has traditionally been split between the Democrats and the Republicans, with the Democrats having the edge. In this last election, Trump took the group by his campaign promises. He promised to renegotiate the trade deals we have with other countries, he promised to repeal and replace Obamacare (this law that hits this class hard), protecting America by defeating ISIS, and his hardline immigration stances.

The alt-right/nationalists voted for President Trump to reverse the liberalizing of immigration policies in the United States. They voted for President Trump to reverse the globalization of America and bring back the federal government to serve the needs of the people, not placate them with distractions while it works to bring us further under the control of worldwide supranational political organizations like what the TPP and other “trade” deals would have established.

They also voted to remove the neoconservative policies from the forefront of every foreign policy decision, as it seemed Donald Trump was going to be the man for the job. To many of those on the nationalists/alt-right, what drew them to Donald Trump was his commitment to staying out of Syria and other third world hellholes. They saw his opposition to the Syria regime change the Obama administration tried to drum up for years and his opposition to the Iraq war under President George Bush as a huge positive.

Unfortunately, each of these new groups he brought into the fold to gain victory has had to deal with some big disappointments so far into this Presidency. Each one of these groups has the potential to destroy his ability to obtain a second term by abstaining to vote or voting for another candidate. With Donald Trump winning by less than a percent in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, he doesn’t have a large enough of a cushion to endure a significant erosion in support.

Gambling this way by angering his base to reach some mythical democrat voter who doesn’t already think of him as the return of Satan and who is also a Russian Manchurian Candidate, is a horrible policy. This is a policy that reeksof Republican consultant class nonsense.


Why exactly indeed. We hired Donald Trump to do a job, we didn’t hire an infallible Pope.
In the comment threads here and elsewhere, there were comments deriding the “minority” who want him to live up to his “repeal immediately” pledge concerning the DACA executive memorandum. This is a newsflash to some, but it is not the campaign anymore. Obama is not President of the United States, and unless we’ve elected low energy Jeb Bush to the office… DACA shouldn’t be a “thing” that we are still talking about repealing now.

No, what we are seeing is a mantra day in and day out: “He’s only been in for X days/months, give him a break.” When he’s asking disappointed voters to re-elect him and still hasn’t lifted a pen to sign a repeal of Obama’s DACA rules, will that be finally the time to hold him accountable for his promise?

And worse, some people seem willing to throw people out of the Trump coalition because they don’t care about whether Trump violated campaign pledges on “issue X,” as long as “issue Y” is still being seriously considered. The worst defenders of this sort of thinking decided that everyone who wasn’t in complete lockstep with the new thinking was obviously a nevertrump, a democrat, a subversive, a _____ and obviously should shut up.

This response is the same sort of response that was peddled during the Obamacare fiasco that the President is dead set on reviving this week. Those who didn’t care about the issue derided the Ryancare detractors as “purists” who are just a bunch of pearl clutchers and eventually Trump was going to set it right in the end.

Obviously, the bill failed. Apparently just saying “trust me, this bill is not what your eyes are seeing, they are obviously lying to you” is not a good way to win votes for your bill.

All that seems to have happened since the disaster on the House floor is Trump going on Twitter badmouthing people and working behind the scenes to get the legislation to become even more liberal. Extend and expand is not what voters voted you into the office of the Presidency, Mr. Trump. They voted for a change from Obama’s policies, not an continuation.


And this now brings us to the main reason why Donald Trump was the Republican nominee for the Presidency. Donald Trump’s strong anti-amnesty and anti-illegal immigration reward system was the set of issues that brought Donald Trump to the forefront in the Republican primary. It was why Donald Trump joked that he could have shot someone and still not dropped in the polling. It was why Donald Trump was able to defeat every single challenger in the crowded republican primary and why he was able to destroy the republican establishment’s ability to stop him.

When people were getting cold feet about Donald Trump back in August of last year due to reports that he was going soft on immigration, he went to Arizona and delivered a fiery, anti-illegal immigration speech that blasted the Obama administration and showcased to the general public what a Donald Trump Presidency would bring. It was this speech that people point to now where he stated quite clearly that Obama’s executive action to create deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) was going to be repealed immediately.

Here he is in his own words:

This repeal requires absolutely no outside help. Trump doesn’t have to rely on Congress, the Courts, the voters, etc., just his “pen and phone.”

By repealing DACA, he repeals the backdoor amnesty that is being granted to potentially 2 million people. Trump can simply allow the DACA recipients to stay until their visas terminate and then deport them.

Do people realize these “kids” can be in their 30’s and be one of those “kids” under the DACA program? Do people realize these “kids” get social security numbers, driver’s licenses, and can work here in the United States taking jobs from American citizens?

Illegal aliens cost us over 113 billion dollars a YEAR as of 2013. How much worse has it gotten now? How is this America First, Mr Trump?


What kind of message does this send to those who want to come here legally? What is the freaking point of coming here legally?

All those who want to come in the legal route are complete imbeciles. They would get more benefits and better treatment from the state and national government in general if they were an illegal alien. We should be treating people who want to follow our laws with the utmost respect, not relegating them to insanely long waits while we process the illegal alien welfare seekers at breakneck speed.

What kind of country do Trump voters want? One that rewards the respect for the rule of law, or one that rewards illegal aliens?

We have people advocating that it is “not a big deal” or “it’s too hard” or “it will not happen.” If this is the ho-hum mindset that the right has now adopted, then let’s just surrender to the social justice warriors already. When you’ve decided that “we can’t do anything” then you’ve already accepted you have lost. It’s not being pragmatic, it is adopted a loser mentality.

That is Jeb Bush territory.

And no, do not quote figures to anyone trying to justify your position from the GOP establishment run American Action Forum as if they are an unbiased source. When Norm Coleman and national committee guys are running the show…

If we legitimize DACA by allowing its illegal order to stand, this allows future presidents to push the boundaries of their extra constitutional authority even further. When we get another Democrat in the White House and DACA remains unrepealed, they can use it as a blueprint to legalize every last illegal alien in the country.

Will DACA be a nothingburger then?

This battle isn’t over being “nice” to illegal aliens. This is not about compassion, this is pure selfishness by the establishment.

No, it is a battle between the Rule of Law versus the donors and those who want more Democrat voters.
