While Innocent Americans Murdered in Mexico, Obama Works on Amnesty!

By John W. Lillpop

Although no one in the Obama Administration seems to give a damn, the nation of Mexico continues to decay further and further into anarchy, a tragedy which recently resulted in the murder of innocent Americans affiliated with the U.S. Consulate in this god-forsaken, third-world, failed state. (1)

As murder and mayhem rage out of control in Mexico, the likelihood that the carnage will spill over onto America soil increases with each passing day. In fact, incursions across the US border by Mexican military forces have already been reported and are a chilling reminder of why our borders must be secured and fortified militarily. (2)

And what are the president of the United States and the US Congress doing while Mexico wages war on our sovereign state?

Incredibly enough, our dithering president and his Democrat colleagues in Congress are too busy working on plans to grant amnesty to the 20 million or so invading criminals from Mexico and points south, to concern themselves with defending the homeland.

Moreover, misguided yokels like Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano prefer to think of illegal aliens as “newly arrived refugesâ€