If you are looking for a simple call to action for the folks in your address books, try forwarding this to all of your friends and family. We cannot wait!

Never before has public opinion swayed the Senate to such an about face on a bill. All of last week, Senators from across the country received literally millions of phone calls, faxes and e-mails from all over the country, opposing the bill. The number of calls directly correlated with the two most recent polling numbers from Rasmussen. The President keeps quoting a widely discredited New York Times poll saying there is widespread support for amnesty, but Senators found out first hand that the Rasmussen poll was right and the NY Times poll was false.

Senator Jeff Sessions has written out in detail why he opposes the bill and the House Republican Leader John Boehner called the bill a piece of @#^*! Yes, that's what he called it. You can see the damage that this bill will cause if passed at:

http://sessions.senate.gov/pressapp/rec ... ?id=275456

If you share the views of the 70% of Americans citizens opposing S 1348, you MUST call your two State Senators tomorrow. The President has vowed to revive the bill tomorrow, regardless of public opinion. This is neither right nor fitting of our representative form of government.

Calling the office of your Senators is easy. You simply call their DC office and tell the aide you would like to give your opinion on S 1348 and that you oppose it. Let the aide know that you want the Senator to resist pressure to revive the bill killed by the people. Tell them that passage will forever damage your trust in our government. Give them your zip code and say "Thank You". That's all.

If you haven't yet joined, NumbersUSA provides a fax service to your Senators free of charge from their website. NumbersUSA has 800,000 members and all user information is 100% confidential. The website is


To keep up to date on all topics regarding illegal immigration, go to:


Politicians didn't stop the bill, American Citizens did. We can keep it dead but we can't wait.