With the increase of illegal immigrants into this country come the need for farmers to hire more guest workers and to produce more food and with that come more money for the farmers.

Democrat, Diane Feinstein of Calif want more guest workers because it benefit farmers and illegals aliens. The more illegals here the more food has to be produced to feed them, therefore making more money for the producers at no benefit to the Americans people.
We have 20 million illegal immigrants here so why do we need a guest workers program to bring in more., where are the guest workers that was here last year? They are now into the inner cities taking jobs from Americans. The problem is the farmers want to make more money by growing more. The Americans people are not eating more and lettuce is already $1 a head and rising. It is O.K. for farmers to grow less if there are not the steady influx of illegals to feed.
Diane is wrong with lots of other who wants a guest workers program with a path to citizenship. Bring in workers from Mexico and send them home after the season, like Canada does.
As the growth of illegals aliens continue comes the need for farmers to hire more guest workers and produce more food with the end results is more money for the farmers.
How does our leaders in Government benefit from this?