Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC View Post
Sometimes it gets a peep in the national news, but not extensive coverage. I remember how hard we fought to get the Dani Countryman story out and we did eventually get Greta on Fox News to cover the story. It was one of the videos we then relayed around the nation in our hijacked and destroyed Youtube account.

Believe me when I tell you that when the story involves grotesque crimes committed by illegal aliens or the suspects are minorities and the victims are white a very powerful and entrenched group of people fully censor or suppress the story.

Here in my home state, all of you know about the gang rape that did not happen in the Duke LaCrosse case.

Yet, the major newspapers in the state, much less the national media, wont report the four confirmed cases of illegal aliens gang raping NC Citizens.

I've seen the same pattern Ive just described to you here repeated again and again.

Sometimes if ALIPAC takes action or other forces drive a story viral on the web the national media will cover it but wont harp on it or they will distort it and water the story down.

There are so many examples Googler.

Here is another one that an activist just found tonight....
snopes.com: Bob and Nancy Strait Robbery

and there is one about this young white couple in Tennessee that will blow your mind, Ill find that one for you later.

The pattern is real and you can see it for yourself if you just keep observing up close. Watch for the crime stories and watch for the politics I have described, then use the Google news engine to see how each one travels or does not travel.

Let me start by saying that I can agree with you that there is a pattern when it comes to what gets covered in the national news media. Most of the time it's based on what gets the ratings. It is the core business model after all. As a corporation they could care less about pushing a certain ideology if it means it'll put them out of business. Viewer ratings are their end goal. I think we can agree on that.

Now as to these specific cases you mention like the elderly couple one, as despicable and horrible as they may be, and it sickens me as a human being to say it, but people commit those crimes every day, all across the nation, all around the world. In San Diego alone, every now and then you hear about attempted burglaries that end tragically for the victims and they're usually elderly because they're more likely to be home during the day when burglars like to strike. It only makes it to the local news and not national. The perpetrators can be Black OR White, it doesn't matter. There is just not enough time to cover every violent crime that takes place in this country every single hour or minute. The national media will only pick out the cases that have an extra dimension to them or if enough noise has been made for it such as in your case, Dani Countryman's, (that I've only just heard of now that you mentioned it) and Trayvon's. And even those are the "lucky" ones.

Some in the minority population would say that the media is biased towards Whites when it comes to the coverage of missing children or adults. Is the media racist towards minorities? Or perhaps they tend to focus more on those cases that involve families living in nice peaceful suburban neighborhoods where you would never think something like that could happen. And it just so happens that most living in those neighborhoods are White. OR perhaps the local news media in predominantly Black neighborhoods do not do a good job of preparing the story for consumption by the nation news media? Perhaps because their budgets are low due to the fact that they're operating in mostly low income markets? Just my theory.

The Duke case involved a prestigious university no? What news media wouldn't touch that on that fact alone? If it happen at your local college, no one other than your local news would care most of the time. I'm not going to deny the fact that the victim and the accused were of different races did not cross the minds of the national news show producers. It was the icing on the cake. But that case should not have blown up the way it did. The prosecutor Mike Nifong mishandled the case and accused the players when he had no evidence whatsoever. He had not even spoken to the victim. This was a case of the justice system gone incompetent.

I don't think the media has an agenda against Whites OR minorities, or that they're intentionally trying to stoke civil unrest. For what purpose?