ALERT: Next week, Congress comes back into D.C., to debate "immigration reform" again. Who are they going to be listening to - the overwhelming majority of American citizens, or the mobs of illegal aliens in the streets?

Over the last couple of weeks, tens of thousands of supporters of illegal immigrants followed the hundreds of thousands of their amigos in cities around the country, and rallied outside of the U.S. Capitol, in support of granting AMNESTY to millions of illegal aliens.

You saw the pictures and videos: Mexican flags flown above upside-down American flags, signs that read "Viva La Raza" ("Long Live the Race") and "This Is OUR Homeland", kids cutting classes to demand "rights" for illegals...

We've watched with growing concern as hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and their supporters marched in the streets, waving the flags of foreign nations and flouting the freedoms our forefathers fought so hard to secure.

And we've watched with growing disgust as politicians in Washington, D.C. cited those marches as a reason to grant "guest worker" amnesty to over 12 million illegal aliens, instead of focusing on securing America's borders FIRST.

Well, we can't stand to watch it any more. Thankfully, someone has decided to do something -- the "9/11 Families for a Secure America," who are holding a protest against illegal immigration on Monday, April 24th, at Lafayette Park across from the White House. They'll be there to remind President Bush, Congress and the American people: illegal immigration is NOT a victimless crime!

They're asking people who have been the victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens or are survivors of victims, to join them in Lafayette Park to protest the McCain-Kennedy bill which gives amnesty to illegal aliens and the unknown terrorists and violent felons among them. The rally is open to victims of any crime committed by illegal aliens, including the 9/11 attacks, other terrorist attacks, street violence, motor vehicle crimes, etc.

This is short notice... but we wanted to give you the chance to join them if you can.

TAKE ACTION: We've all seen the mobs of illegal aliens recently demanding amnesty and the "right" to become US citizens. This is what happened when three million illegals were given amnesty in 1986. At least two of the participants in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center were permitted to remain in the U.S. Other criminals, whose crimes did not draw large headlines, were also allowed to remain.

Another amnesty will mean that more Americans will be harmed or die at the hands of such people. There is NO WAY to check the backgrounds of 15 million people to know who is a threat.

No, there probably won't be hundreds of thousands of people standing there at Lafeyette Park that day. Most Americans are busy just trying to live their lives -- go to their jobs, come home to their families, go to church or synagogue on the weekend, maybe have some fun with sports or hobbies... most of us really don't have time to "march in the streets" at the drop of a hat. But the fact is that one man or woman can make a difference.

So it may be just a few people standing there with their American flags, demanding that Congress do their job and secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws FIRST, instead of granting AMNESTY to millions of illegal aliens. But you know what? It's worth it. This is America... and maybe it's time to take a stand for the greatest country in the world.

Maybe you'd like to join them that day. Just show up; bring your American flag; maybe bring a sign for those legislators to see, respectfully letting them know how you feel about this issue...

... And bring your love for our country.

If you'd like to come to D.C. to join in on this protest, you can get more info here:

Contact: Joan Molinaro: 570-685-7054, or Bruce De Cell: 718-948-4108 or Peter Gadiel: 203-470-5820

Washington, D.C. Metro (trains):

Hotels in Washington, D.C.:

Flights to Washington, D.C.:

NOTE: Tell Congress: Secure Our Borders! ... 76&type=CO

Have you downloaded your FREE Right Brothers songs yet?
"The Illegals" -
"What Happened To The Pot?" - ... he_Pot.mp3

Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who opposes illegal immigration or may have been victims of illegals, and invite them to come to this rally! Thank you!


William Greene, President