You would not be here if you did not realize there is an issue. We here could really use your help and input. Please get involved I cannot stress how important it is for you to join in and do your part. A lot of good people are counting on you to help protect their children, jobs, Country and way of life. Some do not even have computers to know what is going on.

There are a lot of children counting on you to do your part for a better future for them. I know a lot of you can contribute with your voice and ideas if you will simply get involved and join in for the future of our country and for our children’s future. They cannot do this for themselves.

Contact a Mod and tell them the amount of time you have to help and they will set you up with someone to get you started in a focus campaign or something. There is something to do for everyone. I want a better America for my child that is one of the reasons I am here fighting and learning. Join and do your part for America’s future and for all our kids.