Is this about buying votes?
Tuesday, 12 June 2007

You have to wonder what is going on in Washington when forty-six senators vote against an amendment to keep illegal aliens who are convicted felons from being legalized. Even worse is that when a much weaker amendment was offered, thirty-two senators still voted not to restrict illegal alien felons from becoming legalized. Nearly one third of the federal prison population is already made up of illegal aliens who are in prison for crimes unrelated to their immigration status. Studies have shown that the democratic party would be the beneficiary of the new voter block if illegal aliens are legalized. It appears that they place higher value on securing votes of non-Americans, and thus continued power, than on national security and safety.
Speaking of the immigration debate, it would be nice if the pro-illegal immigration crowd would be a little less disingenuous and malicious. Calling people racists and the like does serve to shut your opposition down which is what you want but honest people would prefer to have a debate on the merits.
You must begin with separating the issues of illegal and legal immigration because they are not the same issue. Most Americans support controlled legal immigration that allows for immigrants to assimilate into American society and culture- the way it has been done forever. What we do not support is ILLEGAL immigration which shows utter contempt for our laws, deflates wages, and facilitates the spread of diseases which had previously been eradicated in our country among other negative impacts on schools and medical facilities.
If you cannot tell the difference between legal and illegal then I would like to suggest a good third grade teacher who could help you figure it out. If you know the difference but feel the need to lie and mix the issues so as to advance your cause at all costs, I could recommend a parent or two that could help instill ethics, respect and a sense of honesty in you. How you get there is as important as winning. Isn’t it?
James Gregoire, Fairfield ... &Itemid=46