DREAM ACT: Obama's Saddam Hussein retreat
Gil Guignat
Phoenix Conservative Examiner
August 22, 2011

President Obama’s DREAM ACT is now in full force and he is enacting it like a dictator by decree going against the will of the Congress. As of right now anyone from anywhere in the world can fly, walk or ride into the USA and stay permanently and be allowed to apply for a permanent work visa. This means that these same illegal immigrants can apply for welfare, food stamps, free health care with no more hindrances. Ask yourselves this. With real unemployment in the 18% range how is letting in millions of new immigrants going to help unemployment? Clearly ordinary law abiding Americans are simple collateral damage to the president. How is letting millions of illegal immigrants going to impact the already full to cracking medical system that is scheduled to add over 30 million uninsured next year? How will all these people affect welfare benefits?

When Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, retreated from his invasion of Kuwait he inflicted maximum damage to the country by blowing up every oil well. The devastation was incalculable. That was his way of inflicting maximum damage to the country he ruled.

President Obama has lost his re-election. There is no doubt about that. He knows that too. He would not be taking vacations when the country’s economy is collapsing. He does not care what people think. His wife would not be taking a separate Boeing jumbo jet to Martha’s Vineyard only 45 minutes apart from her husband’s Air force One jumbo jet if she did not care what people thought. There is no expense they don’t lavish on themselves. That is what he means by “shared sacrifice.â€