Friends of ALIPAC,

If you are a North Carolina resident, please reply to this email with 'NC' in the subject line. I live in Raleigh and ALIPAC's Press Director, Jim Palmer, lives in Asheville. We maintain a list of NC ALIPACers and we need to update it because we have important events, news, and activism efforts coming up, we want you involved in. Please reply so we can include you with the other dedicated North Carolina ALIPAC supporters ready to take action in our home state.

We need all ALIPAC supporters to respond to our call for help in SC and NC.
Last week, we went after the SC House to pressure them to pass our immigration enforcement bill S 392.

It worked! The House conferees signed the bill and they were ready to vote, when two state Senators went missing and refused to sign. Senators Ritchie and Campsen took a walk so the bill could not be voted on!

Now it is time for Senators Campsen and Ritchie to feel the heat along with the entire SC Senate because the House is now pointing the finger at the Senate.

Today we unleash our legendary ALIPAC Activists on the SC Senate

Please take the following steps.

1. Contact Senator's Campsen and Ritchie and politely but firmly request that they do their job by improving and signing the conferee report on S 392 immediately. Tell them you are offended that they are dragging their feet when the SC House is ready to vote. Tell them you will hold them accountable.

2. Visit this link and select a minimum of ten SC Senators at random. If you have time, do more. First place a call and then follow up with an e-mail, fax, or letter. Please use our example to craft your own distinct message and subject line.

"Dear Senator ______:

Last week I contacted the SC House to urge them to strengthen and pass S 392 to crackdown on illegal immigration in South Carolina. I was shocked to learn from the House that the hold up is in the SC Senate!

The whole nation is watching South Carolina right now. Americans want strong and effective action to reverse illegal immigration on the state level. South Carolinians list illegal immigration as a top issue of concern.

It is time to get the S. 392 horse out of the barn!

It is time to stop the finger pointing and the disgusting political tricks and pass an effective bill. South Carolina needs to join Georgia, Arizona, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Oregon, Utah, and Mississippi in passing strong legislation that represents the will of the American majority NOW.

I will be working hard to determine which SC lawmakers are standing with the people and which of you are failing to protect American lives, jobs, and taxes by holding up or weakening S 392 and to inform SC voters in the coming elections.


William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)"

SC Senate Contact Information List
Phone numbers are listed here ... mbers.html
Email addresses are listed Here

Campsen and Ritchie Contact Info
George E. "Chip"Campsen III ... 72691.html

James H. "Jim"Ritchie, Jr. ... 04358.html


SETBACK IN ARIZONA! Janet Napolitano strikes again.

Notorious illegal alien supporter and thwarter of Democracy Janet Naplitano has struck again by vetoing a measure passed by the AZ Legislature that would assist police in enforcing immigration law against violent illegal alien criminals.

Please read the disgusting details and then read ALIPAC's Open Letter to Napolitano.

Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoes measure to give police more latitude on immigration

ALIPAC's Open Letter to Governor Janet Napolitano

CONTACT INFO FOR Napolitano (Phone, Fax, E-mail)

We lead the charge on behalf of the vast majority of Americans.

Let's Roll!