Glad you jerks are watching us closely. I hope you enjoy reading every post made here. We would not want you to miss anything important.

We have read your latest post on your website. Good to see you people are idiots when it comes to how the Internet works. No surprise to see you accuse us of trying to keep your site from our supporters.


You egomaniacs have seriously overestimated yourselves and underestimated the public on this issue.

You have staked what credibility you had on this attack and you will find the penalties to be severe. That is what happens when you lie and distort as you have.

I am more convinced than ever that the timing of your attack is designed to try and distract us before Super Tuesday. If not, why try to bait us again today so eagerly?

We will respond to you next week after Super Tuesday. I can assure you that you will not like it.

The truth is on our side and we are Americans of every race and creed standing together against your lies.

No matter who wins this battle, I thank God everyday that Im not on your team.

I know who I am and what I'm about and what ALIPAC is about and nothing you say will ever change that.

You can try to convince people that crime and disease and the growing separatist movement in our nation are nothing to be concerned with, but each day the situation gets worse and your claims falter against the harsh reality in this country.

One day, the remnants of your organizations will be ridiculed and mocked like the remnants of the KKK.

Now, we have work to do and we will answer you next week.

William Gheen <---- I sign my statements. You should try it cowards.