M Catharine Evans
January 8, 2012

Obama administration officials opened their doors to young illegal aliens last month at a special confab hosted by the Secretaries of Education and Labor. With an election less than a year away, marshaling support for an amnesty bill is in the works.

Stalwart and real conservatives have stood steadfastly against the DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act). Besides "incentivizing more potential border crossers" and "making fools of" those legal immigrants who have followed the constitutional path to citizenship, the Act is a handy way for the Democrats to replace disillusioned Party deserters with "legal" illegal aliens.

Conveniently, the Act also promotes far left, radical agendas advanced by groups like the United States Student Association (USSA).

Victor George Sanchez, Jr., USSA's current president, met with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and undocumented "DREAMEers" at a December 15 "Student Voices" session sponsored by Duncan.

The frank conversation between the Secretaries and the group of young advocates largely revolved around the obstacles undocumented youth face while living in the United States, particularly limited access to higher education.

Several of the students discussed how difficult it was to be a "DREAMer"--a label derived from the "DREAM Act" which the students use to describe undocumented young people who have lived in the U.S. from a very young age.

The students explained their frustration and disappointment not to be able to fulfill their dreams of a college degree once they graduate high school; good grades and hard work are rendered invalid the day they learn they can't apply to colleges or scholarships without having a social security number.

Secretary Duncan promised the young illegal advocates he would "assist'' them through his unconditional support for the DREAM Act. Surprisingly, Duncan is not the only education reformer supporting those who feel frustrated by a system which promotes law and order.

Michelle Rhee, former DC Chancellor and CEO of the billion dollar lobbying organization, StudentsFirst, has no problem redistributing taxpayer monies to pay for the education of illegal aliens.

No child should have to live in the shadows or lie about their background, and no educator or mentor should have to cover up for a student or employee.

We have chance to do what's right for our students and for our country with the DREAM Act. These young people were raised in America with American hopes and dreams. It's the country they know, and the country they love. It's the country that needs their talents. Let's find a way to do what's best for them and for our country. Let's pass the DREAM act.

Rhee's "I feel their pain" compassion is liberal speak at best and at worst a slap in the face to good Americans who wish to welcome any immigrant to our great country. But just as we are not allowed to reap the benefits of countries outside our borders without legal citizenship the same should be required of all who cross our borders.

The left's use of children to justify breaking the laws of the land knows no bounds. Senator Jeff Sessions outlined ten things Americans need to know about the DREAM Act, especially that it is not limited to amnesty for minors.

S.952 includes a requirement that aliens be under the age of 35 on the date of enactment to be eligible for LPR status. Even with this cap, many could be much older before petitioning for status--hardly the "children" the Act's advocates talk about. The bill's 35- year-old age cap on "children" applies only to the date of enactment, and the registration window will remain open indefinitely regardless of future age.
Current Illegal Aliens Will Get Federal Student Loans, Federal Work Study Programs, and Other Forms of Federal Financial Aid.
The Obama administration can't get enough of open borders. 20 million Americans are out of work, the middle class is deeply pessimistic about its dreams for the future, and education hacks routinely use their go-to group, children, to elicit sympathy for their own self-serving causes. Let's NOT pass the DREAM Act!

Read more M. Catharine Evans at Potter Williams Report