In the state of South Carolina, we've got the best chance ever to put a stake in Grahamnesty. Unseating Senator Lindsey Graham--and especially with Graham's devastating defeat in the primary--we can strike a blow for the entire country! Think about what other politicians will think about amnesty if they see one of the most liberal Republican members of the U.S. Senate booted out by the constituents he has betrayed.

I've got hundreds of bumper stickers I want to send to groups in South Carolina FREE OF CHARGE if they can get these out to their members to put on their cars and to hand out to friends. I've put a lot of my own personal money put in signs and bumper stickers to bring that traitor down and only ask that others help me out in distributing and displaying these signs.

If there is a single action we should be focused on in the upcoming primary and elections, it is the destruction of Lindsey Graham, the effete, sleazy, liberal neo-con lawyer who has been paid well to represent the slave-trading corporations and multi-nationals who are depressing our wages and giving our jobs and culture away.

I'd love to get bumper stickers and signs to every meeting South Carolina.

Any help you may give me would be greatly appreciated!