
I'm going on the air tonight out of Boston, MA on the Todd Feinburg Show on WRKO. I will be on tonight at 7pm EST. Details at

They may have a member of La Raza on as my opponent.

I will be talking about the race for Governor and what a bad idea it is that Democrat Deval L. Patrick wants to give licenses to illegal aliens.

Local news reports claim that Devil... um Deval is 25 points ahead of Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey the Republican in this race although they disagree with Deval's positions on "immigration, income taxes, and crime"

The poll is a CBS poll so we all know what that means. For those that don't, CBS polls are politicized and useless as real indicators.

Patrick has a big lead in new poll ... _new_poll/

Please let me know what you know or can find about this race on our issue as I do my homework for the show.

I want to make sure your opinions get out on the air for ALIPAC.


Sharp differences between Healey, Patrick on illegal immigration ... migration/