That is correct, shame if a few pests run anyone off.
In Nov. I been here 4 short years. Donating my time and treasure.
ALIPAC is not B.S walks, B.S talks.

Over the years we have won great victories. The last two years have been frustrating, current Dictatorial actions PISS ME OFF!
Not Ron Paul pests, that I would bet get his name in in a "worlds best lasagna thread" in off topic.

I'm here to stay and fight (and not alone) until we win it!
Unless W kicks me out. No pest runs me out. Thats just vain!
The committed are stronger and more united than that, or ever for that matter.

Some of us work and lead our other responsible lives along with the fight against illegal immigration. If I could go full time I would.
In the mean time, I fight to survive in todays America.
I don't have the luxury of sitting in front of my computer in my Ron Paul Jammie's dinking what not out of my Ron Paul sippy cup!

God bless ALIPAC!