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  1. #1
    saveamerica's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Bank of America? Hardly!

    Bank of America? Hardly!

    Satire by John Lillpop

    As further testament to the fact that some American business entities will stoop to unbelievable and despicable depths in pursuit of more profit, the so-called Bank of America has decided to troll the illegal alien market for gold.

    Forsaking legitimate concerns about homeland security, rule of law, U.S. sovereignty, and American language and culture, vipers at BofA have announced that credit cards will be offered to "undocumented immigrants," more correctly known as illegal aliens.

    Under this anti-America plan, criminals here illegally will be able to establish credit without providing a social security number. That is great news for outlaws who have broken into America, but bad news for those who make huge fortunes by selling stolen identities to invaders.

    Beltway insider Opel Bijiquiovarti has looked into this latest corporate snubbing of America by BofA and has filed the following executive summary:

    According to Bijiquiovarti, BofA hopes to take advantage of undereducated, impoverished illegal aliens in order to make money.

    Specifically, by reading the small print, one learns that the BofA terms include a computer program language translation fee (from Cobalt to Spanish), a "We will not turn you in to ICE" senorcharge, and other miscellaneous assessments.

    In sidebar agreements being negotiated between BofA and several state governments, monthly credit card payments can be deducted from welfare payments and deposited directly into BofA coffers.

    For a fee, of course.

    All in all, Bijiquiovarti reports that the average illegal alien who signs up for a card with $500 credit card limit will be charged $480.12 in setup fees, leaving the illegal alien less than $20.00 to spend.

    BofA officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Bijiquiovarti that this fee structure would ultimately work to the advantage of illegal aliens.

    This is so because the BofA plan limits the amount of money available for the purchase of alcohol, high-fat tacos, spicy burritos, and other products that could get an illegal alien into a legal kerfuffle, and subjected to deportation.

    According to bank officials, the BofA plan is yet another example of the bank's ongoing efforts to reach out and help the little guy.

    Bank of America and illegal aliens: Both are bad for America and rightfully deserve each other!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Prince William County
    I saw an interview last night on ABC that they were getting crowd reaction from several "on the street" interviews on this subject. One really educated lady said "and when they default, we will end up paying the bill...". How astute that lady really was because as it is now with many Americans who can not pay their credit bills, adding an additional 20+ million to that equation would drive this country further down to poverty levels. In a way, I believe that the Bank of America is "anti-American" and should be punished.
    "The Frustration Continues..."

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Charlotte NC


    this is ludacris, this is an Insult to me , I WORKED SO HARD TO PAY MY DUES, I COULD NOT GET ANY OF THOSE BENEFITS ,as a legal resident !!it took me so long to get credit as a LEGAL immigrant! AND NOW BOFA VIPERS ARE BREAKIING ALL THE RULES TO PROFIT FROM ILLEGALS, THIS IS BS, i agree with above reply, BOFA is making this a third world country, going against the system of a civilized society.
    I will always Stand by the Eagle, I will never betray the Eagle, I am loyal to the Eagle!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Re: BOFA

    Quote Originally Posted by redwhiteandbluelatino
    this is ludacris, this is an Insult to me , I WORKED SO HARD TO PAY MY DUES, I COULD NOT GET ANY OF THOSE BENEFITS ,as a legal resident !!it took me so long to get credit as a LEGAL immigrant! AND NOW BOFA VIPERS ARE BREAKIING ALL THE RULES TO PROFIT FROM ILLEGALS, THIS IS BS, i agree with above reply, BOFA is making this a third world country, going against the system of a civilized society.
    If they keep this up, soon there will be no reason for people to want to come here. We'll be just like the places the others want to leave. I feel bad for you and others like you who have worked so hard, and done things the right way. How unfair. I sincerely welcome you to our country, and have always done so with people from other countries.

    I do NOT and never WILL welcome anyone who jumped our borders.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    We all know who'll end up paying the cost of any default payments by illegals.As a Bank of America credit card holder ,(or former one I should say,)I can attest to how high rates already are.

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