Friends of ALIPAC,

Our funds have reached a critical level and we are currently unable to meet our minimum operation requirement for the first of July!

We have 48 hours to stabilize our accounts or we must shut down the nation's third largest grass roots organization fighting illegal immigration.

Please go to our secure online donations page at this link within the next 48 hours to make a donation of any amount.

ALIPAC's Secure Online Donation Page

If our supporters are generous enough to help us survive the next 48 hours, we will remain in emergency mode all the way to the fund raising deadline for the end of July.

Currently, we have only raised $10,000 of the $40,000 we need to make it to our third drive of the year in the Fall.

We realize that times are very tough across America right now, but if you value our contributions to the fight against illegal immigration and against Amnesty we must have more support immediately or we must make emergency landing plans to shut down ALIPAC.

Please help! In each fund raising drive we have conducted in the last year and a half, our donors have waited until we are at a terrible critical level before responding.

We regret that things have to reach these levels.

If we fail to reach our minimal funding goals for our operations budget, we will use the donations we receive to extend the closing date as far back as possible.

Please help!

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team