If illegal immigration is such a boon to America, as so many of the 'open borders' lobby claim, then it would stand to reason that the area with the most illegal aliens, Los Angeles, would be a paradise on earth, right? We hear so much about how illegal immigration contributes to economic affluence, enriches the American culture and way of life, and strengthens our nation's core values. Then such a huge surge in the number of illegals into the area should have turned Los Angeles into an instant paradise on Earth and a center of unparalleled joy, happiness and economic prosperity by now.

Unfortunately, that is not the case as endless news reports and articles clearly indicate. Poverty and illiteracy are epidemic, despite billions of dollars a year that California taxpayers spend on education and on the war on poverty. Crime has skyrocketed in areas with the most illegal aliens, in particular Mexican illegals, most notably gang violence, drug trafficking among Hispanic gangs, home invasion robberies, property and auto theft, identity theft and welfare fraud, rapes, carjackings, armed robberies, along with vandalism and grafitti, despite increased law enforcement agency's efforts to curtail it.

Overpopulation and overcrowding almost entirely due to immigration (legal and illegal) and Latino's exponentially high fertility rates, is taking its heavy toll on the quality of life in the region as air quality deteriorates, natural resources, including living space, are in short supply, traffic gridlocks are causing humongous losses in fuel and productivity, and the ugliness of crime, graffiti and filth have become prevailing characteristics in what used to be one of the country's most livable and desirable regions.

There is a bigger picture here that most of the "mainstream" media, political elites and immigrant activist organizations don't want you to see. Despite their repeated ad nauseam mantra that it doesn't matter where the bulk of "migrants" come from, the Los Angeles area looks more and more like Mexico City everyday, as the millions who invade America are replicating there, exactly what they claim to be escaping from: poverty, crime, illiteracy and corruption. Along with a propensity towards unhealthy living habits, comes pollution, reckless trash dumping, illegal food vending, domestic abuse, animal cruelty, disregard for environment protection, and - above all - exorbitant fertility rates, which are crippling local government's resources, all patterns that Mexico has long been notorious for, is now being transplanted into Southern California, at a rate of hundreds of thousands of illegals a year, and no "politically correct" rhetoric can hide that fact.

The only thing that the illegal immigration advocates seem to be getting right is the fact that the white and black population of California is being rapidly replaced by Latinos (a vast majority of them Mexican), but this is hardly a reason for native Americans and legal, law abiding immigrants, to be cheering about.