I was under the impression that illegal aliens currently inside of the US were prohibited from trying to apply for legal status while in the country illegaly.

I believed that the Bush administration's push for a Temporary Worker Program or Guest Worker Program or Z Visa was designed to address this by changing the law to allow illegals to apply for legal status while in the US.

Over the last few months, I'm seeing more and more articles that describe illegal aliens in the US applying for visas or Green Cards.

In fact, the suspect in the Bologna murders is reported as having applied for a Green Card or temporary visa, then permanent status.

Source link...

I need to know what is going on here....

is it

A. I was confused about the law.

B. Congress has changed the law recently.

C. The Bush administration has changed the laws without Congressional or public approval through 'regulatory' changes under the SPP?

This is a very serious question and I need volunteer researchers to find me the answers.