The media quivers with delight as the teleprompter reader spews that X number of jobs were created last month.

First, in a country as big as the USA how can those huddled in their offices accurately determine ACTUAL job creation data? And, as has been repeatedly shown with unemployment statistics, the government and its bureaucrat lackeys is all-too-willing to juggle the data and distribute information that places the current politicians in the best possible light ie. the unemployment rate claimed by the feds is always LOWER than the actual number of Americans without a job.

As for job creation, I have NEVER heard or read of the government or the media mentioning the number of new arrivals into the USA, the number of people seeking work, during the same time period covered by the job-creation data.

Today I heard the lackey spew that over 100,000 jobs were created in December.


There is ALWAYS an increase in December (for the past 3 decades, anyway) due to the TEMPORARY jobs created to meet the Xmas shopping rush. Most of those jobs are now gone and the workers unemployed, again. Of course, a sizable percentage of those temporary workers did not work long enough to attain the requirements to receive unemployment payments..... so, they are NOT counted as unemployed.

During the same period around 90,000 LEGAL immigrants entered the USA. How many of those are of working age? How many took the newly-created jobs? How many were here with an H-1B visa, counted as being employed while an American citizen is prevented from getting that job?

Then, how many illegal aliens entered during that period? How many of those jobs the politicians and media boast of were filled by an illegal? A worker who too-often causes wages to stagnate or even decline?

So........ I urge all Americans to view with GREAT scepticism the propaganda spewed by what I believe is a government of for and by an elite class. And, by a media mainly representative of a wealthy elite with a firm commitment to maintain a status quo that benefits the very few at the expense of the many.

Yet, GW Bush still insists there is no class war in the USA.