Heard this guy on the Curtis Wright Morning radio show while doing my road work this AM. Was very impressed with what I heard.

from his web site:
Will is completely against illegal immigration. Why? Because it is illegal! Will is for building an effective wall/fence to guard our southern border with Mexico and increased electronic surveillance to guard our Northern border with Canada. All immigrants currently here illegally should be given 60 days to leave the country voluntarily. If they fail to leave on time they will never be given the opportunity to apply for a visa or guest worker status. A guest worker program can then be explored for businesses that rely on manual labor that is not being provided by the population. All wages paid for now on, however will be at least minimum wage and will be taxed. Businesses should be severely fined if they knowingly hire an illegal immigrant. All Social Security cards should be tied to a biometric scan of the eye to ensure identity theft does not happen. This protects our documents as well as our businesses. Our government cannot afford to continue the game of continuous revolving-door deportations through our open southern border while supporting illegal immigrants through free schools, medical care and services while they pay zero income tax on their income to support these services. Illegal immigrants also cause major cost to consumers every year because of their blatant disregard for laws concerning identity theft. Will is also in favor of a law making English the official language and only allowing a baby born in the U.S. citizenship if at least one of its parents is an American citizen. All medical expenses paid to support illegal immigrants in the U.S. should will be deducted from ALL federal aid given to Mexico. The time for talk is over...it is time to get tough by enforcing our laws while we seal the border. All McIntyre has done to date is vote for the fence with Mexico, but AGAINST funding it! Make no mistake...Democrats are Pro Amnesty, I am NOT!

I'll have one of his signs in my yard as soon as I can get it.
