As we are all aware we are being hit on every side with the Patriot Act, Illegals, the push for a merger with Canad and Mexico and the War.

However, something got me think. God I hope I'm wrong. Has anyone notice when when we went into Iraq, we went full force and fought forceably. Then later the fierce fighting then began to pullback, and that is when our men began to being killed. God again I hope I am wrong, it seems as if they are sitting ducks. God here is my question.... Can it be possible that our men are being sent out there in order to diminish our military so that our country can be easily taken over thru this merger or when that dreaded day comes that the American people stand up.

Please forgive me if that sounds so harsh, but what a coincidence that the war occurs when all this crap is going around us, like they are trying to distract us meanwhile our men are getting killed in turn reducing the number of people in the military. No doubt, the government knew that sleeping cells are in our country, even now. Why don't they round them up? what are they waiting for?