America is doing a big dis-service to Mexico by allowing it’s people to immigrate to America and at the same time it harms the American people economically and socially but a big plus to corporations who owns our government. If Mexico was forced to keep it’s people in Mexico Mexico would be forced to take care of it’s people by providing jobs and services with it’s vast wealth and resources that is only distributed to a few and makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. By keeping it’s people there it would build Mexico up from within instead of depending on the wealth of America with the billions sent to Mexico by it’s people in America.If Mexico was a friend of America and visa versa, immigration would stop and Mexico would help America build a fence, except for a guest workers program from Mexico and other countries. Even that would eventually stop with Mexico’s need for farm workers to provide for it’s people. Even now Mexico has a guest workers program for it’s self.
Illegal immigration from Mexico is destroying America socially and economically and is also destroying Mexico with it’s dependent on America to provide jobs for it’s people. Mexico is getting even richer and Americans are getting poorer with Mexico’s poorest immigrating.
The past 20 years, with the vast influx of illegal aliens from Mexico I’ve seen my city, Reno, slowly being destroyed with drugs, gangs, graffiti, garbage, business that cater to Mexicans, over crowding and strain on our schools with anchor babies and depleting our Millennium Scholarship which Gibbons gave to illegal aliens, jobs taken from Americans citizens, social services and health care services strained and the list goes on and on. Its is no longer a safe and economically secure place for American citizens to live and they are force to move out of neighborhoods or the city in search of a safer place to live and jobs.
Illegal immigration is destroying American and it has to stop and we have to let our leaders know this. It is not about votes and corporate America.
Now that the Democrats have control of the house and senate maybe they will listen. Hillary seems to have changed her stand on illegal immigration.