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Thread: CONFIRMED! MAJOR GOP Candidate Drops Out of The Presidential Race !!!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member lorrie's Avatar
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    CONFIRMED! MAJOR GOP Candidate Drops Out of The Presidential Race !!!

    CONFIRMED! MAJOR GOP Candidate Drops
    Out of The Presidential Race !!!

    April 6, 2016

    Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) had an impressive victory over conservative businessman Donald J. Trump
    in last night’s Wisconsin GOP presidential primary. And for the first time since mid-2015, he has been
    tied in some national polling.

    However, even with the addition of delegates from WI, it’s still mathematically impossible for Cruz to secure the the nomination
    before a brokered RNC convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

    There are only 769 delegates remaining, and the next contest is on Trump’s home turf: New York. New York, with a large population
    has 95 delegates, which is winner-take-all if one candidate gets 50% plus 1 vote.

    If Trump wins New York, he will lead with 853 delegates, and Cruz will not be able to make it to 1,237.

    Why is that? Because Cruz would NEED 732 delegates, and there will only be 674 obtainable before the convention!

    That’s why New York is far more important than Wisconsin, which is why so much focus will now shift toward New York.

    As the Gateway Pundit notes, there’s every reason to believe Cruz will really drop out on or before April 26:

    Actually, in only 3 weeks, on April 26th, it will be clear that Ted Cruz cannot win.

    This is in part because New York is leaning heavily towards Trump who leads according to polls listed at Real Clear Politics by as much as
    36%. New York has a Republican primary where the delegates are split proportionally. So even if Cruz wins a third of the delegates, it
    won’t be enough. This is because come April 26th, there are five Republican Presidential primaries and three of these are winner take
    all (WTA). All three of these states are in the East where polls show Trump leading (Maryland and Pennsylvania) or there is no polling
    available with the state highly likely leaning towards Trump (Delaware).

    Even if Cruz wins a third of the delegates in Rhode Island or Connecticut or any of these states, it will not be enough to keep
    him mathematically in the race.

    That’s why it can be comfortably predicted that if Trump has to deal with a contested convention, it won’t be against Ted Cruz. Instead,
    it will be a candidate the establishment supports – perhaps someone who isn’t even on the ballot yet!

    But there is no question, Ted Cruz is on his way out. The clock starts now.

  2. #2
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    A very misleading title. Ted Cruz did not drop out of the race. What the author fails to mention is that Trump too may not be able to get to 1237 as well. Cruz so far has a strategy to deal with delegates while Trump is just putting that together now. In hindsight, Iowa and Wisconsin were important because Trump may need those lost delegates to attain 1237 and the advice given to him by himself or others to skip debates before primary may prove to be very detrimental to reaching 1237 which would undisputedly give him the nomination legally. To suggest that Ted Cruz would even drop out on or before April 26 is ridiculous. Authors likes this don't help Trump, they provide false hope for people who do not truly assess the math and campaign structure that is necessary for Trump to prevail. As far as dealing with Cruz in a contested convention, in rounds two and three Trump would deal directly with Cruz unless he walks out. 75% of the delegates are freed up after round one. It is the subsequent rounds that present an opportunity for the establishment and that can be very likely if a winner does not prevail. Trumps' recent hire will reorganize his delegate strategy and hopefully put him on course correction for delegates at the convention if indeed it is contested.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    It's one of those titles to get you to read it. I see that a lot now. MSM is even doing it. It's not right though, no one should do it. They need to work harder to find a title that grabs you without lying to you.

    I think the only way for Trump to win is with the voters and by large enough margins to win all the bound delegates. It's still up to us, the voters, and voters need to think hard, think smart, and vote for the best interest of our country, not these silly things like what Trump said 20 years ago to Rosie as part of a publicity stunt for The View.
    Last edited by Judy; 04-07-2016 at 02:28 PM.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judy View Post
    It's one of those titles to get you to read it. I see that a lot now. MSM is even doing it. . .
    It's called CLICK BAIT.
    The goal is to get people to click on the article to get the internet VIEW count up.
    Headline are seldom written by the writer but by a person trained at CLICK BAIT headlines.

    25 Tips And Resources For Writing Click Worthy Headlines

    By Steven J Wilson | Last Updated January 30, 2016 | 54 Comments

    Headlines are so important to the success of your content. Majority of the time, headlines are the only thing people have to go on when asking themselves if your link is worth their time.

    Is this what I’m looking for, Will this solve my problem, Will this help better my situation and so on.

    So, how do you go about answering these questions for them in about 55 characters? This is not an easy task to accomplish!

    I came across a statement by David Ogilvy, an advertising executive, who stated that “On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cent out of your dollar.”

    That is some very interesting information we should all pay attention too. A man who spent his career catching others attention, is telling us that about 80% of the success of our content falls on the headline!

    There are plenty of different factors in finding the right words to include in your headline. We will go over 25 of the most interesting tactics and resources that will help in creating a stand out headline. These 25 things are super easy to start using and will give you much better results than the lucky guess type of headline!

    How To Craft An Engaging Headline

    1) Pique Readers Curiosity

    Things like, “You Will Not Believe What A Guy Did At His Wedding.” You have a headline like this during wedding season and you will be sure to peak a lot of people’s interest on this topic. It’s interesting that headlines of this nature do well without actually letting readers know what the content is about.

    2) Let Them Know Your Content Is To Valuable To Pass Up

    All of our content should be value driven. Letting someone know that they will get tons of valuable information that will benefit them, will make your content more appealing. Unfortunately, if you do not locate the proper words, the right people will not find your content in search results.

    3) Find Keywords That Others Are Searching For

    There are plenty of tools out there but I prefer to get my information from the source, Google Keyword Planner. Something as simple as adding an ‘s’ to the end of your keyword could open the door to hundreds or more of new potential readers. Finding the right keyword is easier once you decide on a topic that readers want to know about.

    4) Use BuzzSumo To Find And Create Topics That Are Share Worthy

    is an interesting and easy to use tool, that will let you know what content is spreading nicely on social media. Simply add your niche or subject of choice into the search bar. Then take a look at the topics that come about and see what is being shared the most. This will give you not only interesting topics that are currently being shared, you will also see what potential social platforms will be a good place to target your sharing.

    Exclusive: The Ultimate List Of Resources For The Serious Blogger & Website Owner With Make Money Online Section

    5) Tell Readers How They Should Feel

    This is a more controversial one but effective none the less. If you can tap into an emotion that is desired by many and let them know how they will feel, readers will notice. For example, “Do ‘This’ And You Will Feel Less Stressed Immediately”, is something that will appeal greatly to people who are stressed.

    6) Use Content Creation Tool

    The ‘Content Idea Generator‘ is one of many tools that will help you come up with content ideas and headline possibilities as well. This one is definitely worth a look and great for those writers block moments as well. Just fill out everything as accurately as possible and let it do all the work.

    7) Appeal To Readers Emotions

    If you are not out right telling readers how they will feel as mentioned in #5, you still have to connect to readers on an emotional level. There are 5 main emotions that work best when trying to connect with readers. Hitting one or more of these emotions will create a more engaging headline.

    8) Test Your Headlines

    If you are not sure that you are hitting the right emotions, use the ‘Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer‘ by Advanced Marketing Institute.

    Through text, meanings can be misunderstood as mentioned in my post ‘Infographic: How To Respond To Negative Comments On Social Media And Blog Post‘, but we always interpret the tone of words the same way. You can learn more about Emotional Marketing Value here.

    9) Make It Easy To Understand

    Everyone will not get your sense of humor or understand all the technical jargon that you know. Keep things simple and make it easy to understand. Leaving readers confused is an easy way to get them to ‘not’ take action.

    10) Use ‘How To’

    People search for ways to get things accomplished all the time and you letting them know how, will work well in your headlines. For example, write a title like, ‘How To Find Google+ Communities That Drive Traffic To Your Website‘.

    11) Write On A Controversial Topic

    Find a topic that others have very opposing opinions on and write an informative post on where you stand.

    This works well when a topic is trending well, as mentioned in #4 and many are searching into the subject as well. For example, ‘Why Commenting On Blog Post Should be Taken Seriously.’ Plenty of people use and agree with the benefits on this post but many do not agree with this tactic at the same time.

    12) Use a List

    When you let readers know you have a certain number of ways to get a desired result, it is registered as being more valuable. Find a topic of choice, Google search it and aim to add a list that surpass any that you see on the first couple of pages. A headline like the one on this post or one like ‘7 Steps To Finding The Best WordPress Plugins‘ work well. I found a high of 16 when I was searching on the topic of headlines, so I set out for over 20.

    13) Ask a Question

    Find questions that many are asking and ask the same question in your headline. If they are wondering the same thing, they will be curious to know if you have the answer they are looking for. For example, ‘Why Am I Still Tired After A Good Nights Sleep’.

    14) Let Them Know You Have Visual Content

    Even if the same information is shared, now of days, visual content will seem more interesting and fetch better results. Pamela Vaughn mentioned on Hubspotthat, blog articles that included infographics generated an average of 178% more inbound links and 72% more views than all other posts.

    15) Make A Promise

    Will your post really make their task easier or increase visitors to their website? Your reputation is on the line so make a promise you can deliver on. You can use something like, ‘Find Out How To Save $200 Every time On Groceries’.

    16) Use appealing adjectives

    When you use adjectives like Effortless, Incredible, Essential, Advanced, Approved, Improve and so on. They make your headline more appealing. Anything you can do to spice up your headline is a good addition to any headline. Adding adjectives is an easy way of achieving that.

    17) Use the Formula Of Other Successful Blogs

    If you need a little assistance when crafting a headline on a topic, use tools like BuzzSumo and use the formula that they used for their content. For example, if the formula that was used was something like, ‘Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise‘, use this same formula when crafting your headline.

    18) Make Sure It’s Sharable

    If you are being offensive, others may not want to associate your content and headline with their network. Be sure that it is something that can be share with the masses. Adding this small detail can result in a lot shares and click troughs to your website.

    19) Announce Something New

    ‘New’ is an appealing word in itself. Using this to our advantage will bring you good results. It is also an easy way to bring out #1, Peak Readers Curiosity. Let readers know about the new thing for the summer, a new technique that will be beneficial and so on.

    20) Use A Command

    This is a bold move but telling readers what they should do actually is proven to work very well. Now of days we use tools that technically takes the thinking out of what we have to do on a daily basis. It may sound a little weird but telling readers to take action is an effective method to get more clicks.

    21) Create A Sense of Urgency

    You see this tactic all the time. We naturally don’t want to miss out on a good thing. Using something like, Limited Time Offer, Going fast, Limited Supply, While Supplies Last etc can lead to more clicks. Give readers a reason to act fast and take action.

    22) Mention A Trustworthy Person Or Brand

    This benefits you in several ways. Building trust is difficult but if you add a trustworthy source, it automatically raises your trust level a bit. It also helps you get noticed and build a relationship with influencers.

    I recommend doing this sparingly and be sure to do it well. Mentioning someone can help or hurt your cause if it’s not done properly. This is not only a representation of you but someone else as well.

    Represent them to the best of your ability.

    23) Use The Word ‘You’

    ‘You’ is one of the most popular words used in some of the most viral headlines ever created. It makes the reader feel as if you are talking directly to them. This allows the headline to connect with them on a deeper level. For example, a headline like, ‘25 Action Words And How They Help Customers Make The Decision YOU Want‘.

    24) Use A Testimonial

    Testimonials are one of the best ways to build your credibility, immediately. Using an honest testimonial that also lets the reader know what your content is about. For example, “XYZ Company has increased my sales a very real 257%”.

    25) List The Problem and The Solution

    If you have a solution to a problem that many are having, let them know in your headline. For example, ‘Gained To Much weight over the holidays, Here’s How to Lose It Fast’. I’ve seen this type of headline more times than I can count but I click on them a lot because that is a very real problem I have during the holidays


    Spend the extra time necessary to create an effective headline. It will benefit your content more in the short and long-term. Your headline is the first impression many will have of you and your content, before they even decide to click.

    Make sure that your content backs up your headline. Trust was mentioned earlier in the post and if you do not want to lose it quickly, then stay on topic, add value and be yourself when blogging. We will appreciate your content much more.

    Do you use any of these tips? Which is your favorite?


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  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    There is a lot of false posturing over Cruz's gains in Wisconsin, especially in the British press.

    How many people continue to be confused that this is not the general election, but just elections for party nominations? The press is responsible and this is certainly no accident.
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