Ingraham: 'Obama Is Finished'
"The president really can’t get his head wrapped around the fact that he is over."

Truth Revolt
Larry O'Connor

Syndicated radio talk show host Laura Ingraham appeared on Fox and Friends Tuesday morning and delivered a eulogy to Barack Obama's presidency and Obamaism. Her blistering remarks came in response to a question about Obama's statement on MSNBC Monday that even though many Democrats running for election are running away from him, his policies are still on the ballot and those Democratic candidates still support his policies. Ingraham made the case that this remark is a narcissistic sign that the President can't handle how unpopular he is, even within his own party.

"The president really can’t get his head wrapped around the fact that he is over,” Ingraham said. “Obama is finished. I’m sorry. But his policies have failed. The country is weaker.”​ She went on to site many damaging poll numbers including 65% of Americans saying "we are going in the wrong direction... In the end, Obamaism didn't work... The country's leaving him now."
​Moments after the appearance, Ingraham posted similar sentiments on her blog at
Obama cannot consider the possibility that he is O V E R. He cannot believe his supporters have turned on him (and I don't really think the pols have, they're just doing the expedient thing for the campaign). The latest gallup polls shows that 65% of the country think we're going in wrong direction. So how does Obama resound? He keeps doing what he's always done--the bravado stage strut in shirt sleeves, "call your cousin Pookie!" ... For someone supposedly so smart, he really has not learned all that much about America. Personality and demonization of your opponent might get you elected, but UNLESS Americans' lives started improving (too late for that at this point), the country WILL fall out of love with you AND your nanny-statist food-dictating wife.