America is Weeping

America is weeping today because citizens are dead and dying.

America is weeping today because the government failed on it promise to protect and serve.

America is weeping today because its resources, stretched thin from fighting wars across the oceans, have left it own thirsty and hungry.

America is weeping today because politics, corporate greed and the power elite have replaced common decency and common sense among its leaders.

America is weeping today as babies die in mother’s arms, as the aged drown and the young revolt, while help has been too slow to save so many.

America is weeping today because it knows promises made will be promises broken.

America is weeping today so many can’t afford health care.

America is weeping today as its youth die amidst the oil on foreign soil.

America is weeping today, sickened by the thought their great nation has forsaken them.

God has given so much to this bountiful land, yet America is weeping