Last night I was watching this infomercial for American Apparel that they've been playing on a TV in the display window of their clothing store. It features one of the companies big-wigs giving a speech at some kind of convention. He talks about the workers in their big factory in Los Angeles, and he mentions that almost all of the blue-collar workers in Los Angeles are illegal immigrants. "Most of the workers, the majority of the workers in Los Angeles are undocumented." He also says for $100 bucks you can go to McArthur Park and buy a phoney green card. And that all the businesses in Los Angeles accept this, even though everyone knows its phoney. He calls this "the great hypocricy," because everyone -- businesses, politicians, welfare workers, etc -- knows this is going on but they all look the other way. THe big-wig is joking about all this, as if its the funniest, most ironic thing he's ever heard. His solution, of course, is "a border-less world." THis is his idea of the great emerging future for whats left of America. Watching this guy, this weasel, in action, giving his "witty" speech, I couldn't help thinking; "We have met the enemy, and it is HIM!"