Just saw on C-SPAN a conference by the American Bar Association, La Raza, Chamber of Commerce and othe pro-illiegal groups give their views on immigration, and of course all they could do was spout the same tired old lines: All ilegals deserve a better life; all illegals have the right to come here because 'no people are illegal'; all illegals do jobs Americans are too lazy to do; all illegals pay taxes; illegals contribute way more than they use in public services; building a secure border fence is just like the Berlin Wall; we stole this land from Mexico anyway, so they deserve to come here anytime they want; those who want a secure border are all racists, Nazis and anti-immigrant; illegals who cross the desert are being murdered by the Border Patrol and Minute Men, etc. I cannot believe the balls of these clowns, do they all get the same talking points from the reconquista/Aztlan crowd?

Of course through all this, which was hard to watch, as I wanted to throw my remote through the TV set hearing all their lies, they of course never mention the thousands of innocent Americans killed and injured every year by illegal alien rapists, gang bangers, drug dealers, carjackers, child molesters, murderers, absolutely no mention, just every illegal is a hard working toilet scrubber who never abuses the system, who never uses welfare or the emergency room for all their medical care. No mention of the over crowding of our cities, schools, hospitals and jails. No mention of the animal abuses, domestic violence, countless DUI and Hit & Run driver crashes injuring and killing innocent Americans. No mention of the masses of babies being born at taxpayer expense who at school age enter the education system not speaking a word of English who then have their parents demand they be taught in Spanish, then cry that they aren't getting the proper educational and job opportunities. They actually have the gall to say that illegals always do just the jobs American are 'too lazy to do', then of course have 16 children who go to public schools and then demand lower tuition fees to go to college, to do what, pick tomatoes when they graduate? No, they will compete against us and all our children for jobs and demand affirmative action and special quotas to be assured of getting jobs they aren't even qualified for.

I never thought I would see in my lifetime, the end of America, and it's happening not from some foreign superpower, but from Third World invaders, all with the help of our own institutions, our own government and even our own president. All I can say is, why do they hate America so much that they want to turn it into a Third World craphole?
