I just came from our grocery store. (Publix) I KID YOU NOT, the place was like a Mexican - Central American Groceria or something.

I've never seen anything like it. It was shockingly worse. It was as if the Mexican border should be 5 miles from here instead of the approximately 2,000 miles away that it is.

Something happened which I've never seen before. The Americans were clearly the minority and we were hearing Spanish all over the place, really loudly too. The Americans were looking like this and like this . We all started to make eye contact with each other and we were all thinking the same thing.

We ended up all talking, (Four different people who have never met before.)
Guys, these people were livid. .

I don't think we had to wake them up. President Bush has gone overboard , and you now can't find an American who doesn't "see" and "hear" and "know" about this.

For the first time, I sensed a very uneasy feeling in the air. I guess it is the first time that I WAS AWAKENED to just how upset Americans are becoming. I'm used to to speaking with you guys, Americans who are taking action and trying to do something. It now seems to me, that we are actually more calm than many of our fellow Americans, because we have the support of each other, and an outlet to express the way we feel about this.

I do not see how ANYONE who does not have a MAJORLY STRONG AGENDA to fight illegal immigration is going to have a chance in the world to be elected now. If we were worried six months ago that America was not awake...I think the situation has changed drastically and rapidly. America is WIDE AWAKE NOW.