American's are no longer listened to by our government, or the rich elitists that control our business'.

We are expected to give up our good jobs for the good of the World's people....we are expected to be ashamed that we are a successful country, we are expected to accept lower wages that are more in line with the World.

There are groups right now, that want the USA to become the World's police....we are to fight for foreigners rights...give them our tax dollars....

But yet, the World hates us! All they want is our money and our jobs!

And our Senators, Bush, big business are doing just that!

We no longer matter.

Millions of American's don't care enough to even write an email to their Reps. When I talk to my relatives about this, they act like I'm from Mars...just stand there with an expression on their face like, I wish she'd shut up about this!

If there is anything that will make them care, it might be the fact that the government wants to give American S.S. to illegals...