We will need t make sure the freshmen Republican Senators and the fence-sitters in the GOP---Orrin Hatch, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Lindsey Graham, Richard Lugar, Lisa Murkowski, Marco Rubio (anyone else?)---all stay firm against the DREAM Act and other 'reform" from Obama, and co.

Immigration Reform: What's Next?

Sent By:

"Adam Luna, America's Voice" <info@americasvoiceonline.org>


Did you catch all of the immigration news this week?

On Tuesday, President Obama called on Congress to pass sensible immigration reform and told Congressional Republicans to stop their push for harsh anti-immigrant laws.

The next day, an important group of Democratic and Republican lawmakers came together to reintroduce the DREAM Act.

These are both significant developments, but a critical issue was left out of the conversation.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the Obama Administration is simply out of control. They’re targeting honest employers, using traffic tickets as an excuse to break up families, and arresting and deporting young people who would qualify for the DREAM Act.

That's why we're assembling a critical mass of people to sign our petition to tell President Obama: stop deporting DREAMers!

Even major newspapers have called on the President to use his authority to make policy changes until Congress acts:

The president also needs to get his own policies in order.

-New York Times, Editorial Board, 5/12/11

Mr. Obama could, on his own authority, order steps that do not require legislation. One such measure would be to curtail or suspend the deportation of undocumented young students who were brought to the United States as children — whose immigration status might be legalized in the future.

-Washington Post, Editorial Board, 5/12/11

He must do more… He can begin by instructing the Department of Homeland Security to use prosecutorial discretion when deciding which immigrants will be hauled into the overburdened immigration court system.

-LA Times, Editorial Board, 5/12/11

Over the long term, we will force Congress to pass a law to put immigrants on the road to citizenship, but right now we need to tell the President to change his Administration’s aggressive policies toward immigrant communities.

One at a time, we’ve successfully stopped DHS from wrongfully deporting Pedro Gutierrez, Manolo Lem and his parents, and so many others - now we need a solution that works for everyone.

Historic change is never easy, but we’ll get there - I’m sure of it.

Please sign the petition now!


Adam Luna
America’s Voice