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Amnesty bill must be stopped
Last updated: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 6:42 AM PDT

Comments (38 comment(s))
In the last 40 years, the U.S. has added 106 million people.

Today a million people arrive annually; and three million break into our country annually because President Bush and Congress refuse to control our borders. As a result, taxpayers are being forced to pay for their babies, schooling, medical care, housing, criminal behavior, diseases, and driving wrecks, while a few make mega-millions off their labor.

As a consequence, every aspect of our society now affect the American people negatively. We face the loss of the English language, culture, jobs, epidemics, degraded schools, bankrupt hospitals, a lower standard of living, and loss of quality of life.

Did you know that Congressman Luis Gutierrez has introduced a bill to give amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens now living in our country? The only way this bill can be stopped is for those who love America to get involved. Contact your representatives now.

These millions of illegal aliens now in our country will be able to bring in their entire families. This number of people will bankrupt our welfare system, empty the Social Security Trust Fund, clog our highways, and fill prisons.

In his zeal to grant amnesty to every illegal alien, Gutierrez has eliminated virtually all the checks and balances designed to keep criminals, drug smugglers, child predators, rapists and terrorists out of our country.

If this is not enough, the bill goes even further by creating a worker importation program for an additional 400,000 foreign guest workers each year with the choice to stay.

In short, this bill is America's worst nightmare.

Aileen Boyce
Lodi ... 070619.txt