As you read this, keep one thing in mind, AMERICA HAS AN ESTIMATED 12 MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

Impact on Jobs:
In December unemployment totals reflect that 26.9 MILLION Americans were unemployed or under-employed.
A ten percent unemployment rate does not tell the whole story. It rolls off the tongue much too easily.

Unemployment Reality:
There are 15.4 MILLION unemployed drawing unemployment (5.9 MILLION have been jobless 27 weeks or longer), 9.2 MILLION Americans have become involuntary part-time workers (because their hours have been cut back or they were unable to find a full-time job), and 2.3 MILLION Americans have become marginally attached workers (people who are available and WANT to work but have given up looking over the last 4 weeks), and of this number 861,000 of these Americans have become discouraged workers who have stopped searching altogether (because they believe there is no job available to them).

All Americans ARE NOT COUNTED in the unemployed rate of 10%. If all workers were included, unemployment would roughly be 17.2%. You must consider that 17.2% may be closer to the "real" unemployment figure, but always look at the actual number of unemployed Americans when considering amnesty...26.9 MILLION!!!

Illegal immigration will the next big item on the table, probably in February, and while we continue to fight against the passage of Health Care Reform, we must begin to research and address immigration. Right before Christmas on December 15th, during the heat of the battle over Health Care Reform, Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Ill.), very quietly tossed a bill on the table that among other things, will offer a path to legalization for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. When referring to illegal immigrants it is important to remember they are not limited to our neighbors to the North and South of us. Illegal immigrants in America come from every corner of the world.

The bill presented is pro-immigration and is considered by many on the right to be a form of amnesty, while liberals complain the bill involves too much enforcement. A clue to the bills impact would be the reaction of Immigration Rights Activist who believe the bill is one they have wanted to see for a long time, as the bill basically eliminates local enforcement of federal immigration law.

It will become a scary time. We will be called racist. Rallies will be met with very strong opposition. Our opposition will come from a different place. Our opposition will not consist of thieves in nice suits. Our opposition will consist of a group of people living within our borders who's numbers equal that of an "army". An army of illegal immigrants who have demonstrated they have no respect for American Immigration Laws. An army, that has already invaded this country.

Rather than come through our borders with documents in hand that would put them on the path to legal immigration as our own ancestors did, they have chosen to invaded this country illegally with the assistance of our own government due to little or no enforcement of our immigration laws.

Americans are not at liberty to choose which laws they will or will not obey, but somehow, over time, it has become acceptable that if you come to this country illegally you are allowed to ignore American Immigration Laws and join family and friends in the shadows of our society.

Instead of enforcing immigration law, the suits in Washington will simply change the law, and in doing so, the left will successfully expand their base. This fight is not about so called human rights, this fight is purely political and amnesty is another avenue through which liberals can grow government and their political base.

Attempts to pass this bill must be met with patriotic resistance just as we have stood against their efforts to control our lives through Health Care Reform. Until every American who wants to work has a job, foreign workers need to return to their own country. If in the future there is a need for foreign workers, immigration laws should be strictly enforced as described in a letter to Congress in 1951 written by President Harry Truman.

A letter from Truman to the Congress in 1951 that if followed today

would solve our immigration problems. Interesting read... ... 68&st=&st1

Three Presidents, Immigration, and History:
This information has been verified. Do you recall learning this in school? It is a part of our American history.

What did Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common?

President Herbert Hoover ordered the Deportation of ALL illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American Citizens that desperately needed work during The Great Depression.

The effort, the Mexican Repatriation, refers to a forced migration that took place between 1929 and 1939, when as many as one million people of Mexican descent were forced to leave the US.

President Harry Truman deported over two million Illegals after WWII to create jobs

for returning veterans.

President Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million Mexican Nationals in 1954.

The program was named "Operation Wetback" (unfortunately).

The program was started so that WWII and Korean Veterans would have a better chance at jobs. It took 2 Years, to deport the illegals.

The argument that the deportation of 12 million illegal aliens is an impossible task doesn't hold up to American History. The project would take time, however; in these politically correct times we live in, it must be understood that an operation of this size and scope would require racial profiling as was used by all three past Presidents in their efforts to enforce American Immigration Law.