By John W. Lillpop

Apparently, not all illegal aliens and aspiring illegals are thrilled
at the Duyba-Kennedy sellout of America.

In the story linked below, Mexican intellectual Edmundo Bermudez
objects to provisions that would give preference to migrant hopefuls
with college degrees.

Bermudez, obviously not an illegal who would demand in-state tuition
perks,had this to say:

"The United States already has enough people with college degrees. Who
is going to cut their tobacco?" asked Bermudez, who has been working
intermittently in the U.S. for the past eight years. In Mexico, he
makes about $10 a day, while in the U.S. he earns almost that - $8 -
in an hour.

Yet another example of how dangerous this wicked habit is-besides
lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema, tobacco causes terminal
stupidity in Latino cutters!

With that sort of logic and reasoning ability, one wonders why Nancy
Pelosi and the Democrats have not made this fellow chairman of their
"get out the vote!" campaign for 2008-in Mexico! ... immigran...

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.