April 29, 2006

LOS ANGELES: Death threats prompts mayor
to skip town on May 1st

Sources close to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa are reporting
that the mayor is leaving Los Angeles for Dallas on Monday
because of death threats he received soon after "La Gran
Marcha" on March 25th. Apparently the mayor has been under
a lot of pressure from anti-immigrant extremists who have
threaten not only to "recall " him but also to "shoot" him
after he chose to address over 700,000 marchers that
surrounded city hall on March 25th.

Monday's "El Gran Boicot" may bring even larger numbers of
demonstrators to Los Angeles but the mayor decided to be in
Dallas for some kind of meeting with the National Football
League. He will be missing what may turn out to be the
largest mass rally in the history of the city. It looks like
Tony is not taking any chances.