May 19, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

And those guest workers will eventually find ways to become citizens as well.

But at least the good news is that our vast overemployment problem caused by a job surplus that has been dragging our economy down is on the way to being solved.

Also the grave problem of not having enough people on the Medicaid rolls has also been worked out.

It’s smooth sailing to Failed State country from here on in.

An analysis of future immigration flow released Friday by Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions shows that more than 32 million immigrants would receive legal status over the next decade and an additional 25 million would be granted non-immigrant work visas under the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill.

On a conference call with reporters about the analysis Sessions explained that number of legal immigrants over the next decade “exceeds the population of California, our largest state, and will have a very significant impact on our economy and the American people.”

“[O]ver the first decade, the total number [of legal status] granted will be well over 32 million (not taking into account chain migration from increased legal flow),” the analysis reads. “Adding in all the various categories of nonimmigrant work visas, the number climbs to more than 57 million.”

The 57 million estimate includes the 11.1 million illegal immigrants already in the country, who would receive legal status under the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill.

“We think this is a matter of humanitarian interest and even civil rights and the obligation we have as American policy makers in Congress is to consider what is in the long term national interest of America, at a time when we have 90 million people outside the work force, 47 million on food stamps. Shouldn’t we be working to make sure every single American citizen now dependent on the social services of the government be provided the first opportunity to achieve a good job with decent pay with a retirement plan and a healthcare plan?” Sessions asked.

The 2013 amnesty is already several times bigger than the 1986 amnesty. How much bigger is it going to get?

At some point wouldn’t it just be simpler to revisit the The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, surrender and ask for Mexican citizenship? It would make it easier for everyone.