The way I understand it is that, barring any change in our policy on family quotas, 18 year old "anchor babies" can apply to legalize their parents and other "relatives".

I hope we annul the amendment on birthright citizenship. But in case we can't take away the citizenship already granted to these kids we will be left with millions of anchor babies born in the past 20 years. This could end up bringing in entire villages. Since many third world countries are full of people who lack birth documents an "anchor baby" could claim phony kinship to anyone and bring in dozens of "relatives" under our current rules.

I have a suggestion. I would add to the bill "anchor babies should NOT ever be able to sponsor anyone related to them OR coming from the country of their parents". Not parent, not sibling, not grandparent. Anchor babies should be treated as a very special case, legalized solely by an amendment wrongly interpreted!

Just on this one point, what do you think?