As the article states it is only the extremists who call "all" kids of Mexican ancestry, "anchor babies". So why is this writer making such a big deal out of it? I have no qualms with the term "anchor baby" if applied to kids born from parents here illegally. It fits! By giving birth on our soil an illegal has anchored themselves unto our country. The description of having an anchor baby fits the situation to a T.

I don't know of any non-extremists that call children born from legal Hispanic parents, "anchor babies". Why is it that extremists who are among the minority in this country are constantly brought up in the illegal immigration issue rather than how the majority behave? I will tell you why, it is because the pro-illegals are grasping at straws for anything to demorilize the other side of the issue. They are losing and they know it so they spin the truth and bring up extremist behavior. Who the hell cares about them? 80% of Americans are opposed to illegals and their anchor babies of which maybe at most 10% are extremists.