Here is another OBL petition. Any other petitions that we can sign to encourage Sheriff Joe? Or can one be created?

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Dear Friend --

We all know Sheriff Joe Arpaio loves the spotlight.

Well, now he's got plenty of it: the spotlight of Rep. John Conyers and the House Judiciary Committee. They want Sheriff Joe investigated by the Department of Justice for his appalling, unjust law enforcement tactics-- just like the 3,500 of you who've already signed our petition!
With your help, we can finally get Sheriff Joe the attention he really deserves. We're counting on your help to get 10,000 signatures to Attorney General Holder to investigate Sheriff Joe by the first week of March.

Sign the petition now:


On Friday the Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, saying:

"We write today concerning allegations of misconduct on the part of Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio that we believe merit federal investigation and action."

It's obvious that Arpaio's latest publicity stunt crosses the line. On February 4th, he rounded up hundreds of immigrant detainees and forced them to march, shackled, through Phoenix to a segregated "tent city" surrounded by electric fencing in the Arizona desert.

Thousands of you have already signed our letter to the Attorney General, calling for an investigation into Joe's abuse of power. Thousands have denounced Joe's blatant racial profiling and civil rights violations. But with this week' s big news from the Judiciary Committee, and with major events being organized across the country to protest Arpaio, we believe it's time to do more.
Help us get to 10,000 signatures to Attorney General Holder by the first week of March.

Sign the petition to investigate Joe now:


Under Sheriff Joe's jurisdiction, real criminals get away scot-free while hard-working immigrants live in perpetual fear. There are 40,000 outstanding warrants for real felons gathering dust on Joe's desk. Meanwhile, Arpaio's posse sweeps low-crime, Latino neighborhoods and stars in botched reality TV shows that make a mockery of law enforcement.

There have been over 2,700 lawsuits filed against Arpaio. Now, as Sheriff Joe completes his latest tirade -- rounding up immigrants and segregating them in electrified holding pens in the desert -- we cannot, and will not, stand silent.

We're joining with the House Judiciary Committee and human and civil rights advocates across the country to make sure Joe gets what he deserves. As we said, we're collecting 10,000 signatures to make sure that the Justice Department gets the message.

Help us get 6,500 more voices speaking out -- sign the petition to investigate Sheriff Joe:

Like Chairman Conyers said on Friday:

"Racial profiling and segregation are simply not acceptable... Media stunts and braggadocio are no substitute for fair and effective law enforcement."

We won't let Sheriff Joe get away with this- and thanks to your help, neither will the Justice Department.

Thanks again for all you're doing, and for forwarding this message widely!


Adam Luna
Political Director
America's Voice