Denair, CA: Teaching anti-Patriotism in Public Schools
by David Yeagley · November 12, 2010 · 19 Comments · ShareThis

California’s Denair Middle School is teaching the new anti-patriotism in school. The American flag, the national emblem of the United States, is not allowed on the grounds.

Cody Alicea, proudly waving his American
flag, but no longer. Denair Middle School
ordered him to put it away.

Cody Alicea, a young 13-year-old, was proudly touting Old Glory on his bicycle, when Denair Middle School superintendent Edward Parraz ordered Cody not to display the flag. Cody was required to remove the flag.

It was all about the Mexican issue, Parraz said. Parraz referred to the terrible racial tensions which surfaced this year at the Cinco de Mayo celebration. Mexican (hispanic) students all brought their national Mexican flags, and so on. (Here’s a KCRA-TV video, not allowed to be transferred.) And here’s a Fox40 video:

However, Cody had waved his flag for two months, without incident, until Veteran’s Day.

Superintendent Parraz’ reference to racial problems last May (Cinco de Mayo) is not readily varified on internet sources, presently. Whatever the problems were, they don’t account for the sudden Mexican student “offenseâ€