I have received one phone call and one e-mail, from two different sources reporting a problem like this.

Since most of you are our most loyal and skilled activists that respond to most of our email alerts, have any of you experienced similiar problems since the activation two weeks back?

Received Report

It started, as I said, when I visited to send an open letter to Barack Hussein Obama demanding that he offer proof that he's an American-born US citizen under the "Tell Us Your Story" link. Upon doing so, the spam attack began. I got emails from,, obama/, obama/, and a couple more I can't remember. Each time, I'd report it as spam and block that email address. The next day, I'd get more from a different address. Same procedure...spam/block. It went on and on until I'd blocked a total of seven. Thankfully, it has now stopped.
Please let me know in detail. Yes/No?

Only those that participated at the Obama sites should answer unless you have some other relevant information.

Some of you could also test this by creating some new email accounts and only going the obama site to see what happens.