Couldn't hurt to make a phone call or two etc. to Representative Harry E. Mitchell, the Arizona Democrat who upset the anti-illegal alien conservative JD Hayworth last year in the heavily Republican Tempe District.

During the campaign, Mitchell actually bashed Hayworth for "supporting amnesty" in the past.

Now, according to a New York Times article dated 5-27-07, Mitchell supports "comprehensive immigration reform" !! We all know what "comprehensive" means -- amnesty!

Call his office and tell him NO AMNESTY IN ANY FORM, NO "Z-VISAs" NO "pathways" etc. -- JUST ENFORCE EXISTING LAW AND BUILD THE FENCE!! If he breaks his promise and supports amnesty in the House, you will do everything you can to defeat him in the next election! Tell your friends too!

Contact info:
Representative Harry E. Mitchell (D-Arizona)
Website: (send e-mail through this site)
phone: 202-225-2190 (Washington DC)
480-946-2411 (district office)