Okay you guys the fight is on !! Same strength, same strategy as with the Port Deal only STRONGER !

William says we have a few battles to get through and we will take each battle as it comes and see victory !!
We will call, email and fax until our fingers are numb, and then we will call, email and fax some more.

When we call, write down the number and ask every neighbor and friend to go and call NOW. You will see how happy they are to help, and willing, we just have to give them the information. I've tried this and they will do it. Don't spend an hour explaining, spend three to five minutes and ask them to make the phone call immediately, right then. You will see we are very united on how we feel about this issue.

GOOD LUCK GUYS !! It's so important for us to stay positive and not get sea sick when the waves get a little rough. I think we all know that together, and united WE will make our journey a success !!