Exclusive Corporate Media of Elites Wage Wars on Americans who tell truth about immigration issues.

O.K. So seeing a lot of people who were posting fresh off of Fox News, I can see Meg Whitman is in rotation as being a victim. She is a victim being that the illegal alien had about 100 fake documents, so why should standards be placed on a private citizen that even Homeland Sec. doesn’t have the knowhow to detect. Now Bill O’Reilly had on LaRaza (Los Angeles) and the NAACP (Baltimore)-but we do not see ALIPAC. But our border security and legit Republican in Ca. State was Steve Poizner but somehow, we got Meg Whitman, who really has done nothing but treat Ca. Republicans like illegal aliens and acted like she was too good to breath the air of her supporters, so Meg Whitman will not get a drop of support from Ca. Republicans, in case you haven’t noticed.

Fox News, like the other networks, are foreign owned and has a delivery system of overpaid North Eastern Elites, who pretend to be talking to and catering to Red State Americans but this is a fraud. If ALIPAC would be based out of New York or Los Angeles, than we wouldn’t have this media/political discrimination or Corporate puppet elite gate keepers. In fact, Fox News will only do stories on cartels and illegal alien crime, if we (ALIPAC) raise the issue, and then they do these stories as if they have a desire to report real news instead of admitting that we are calling them out on their bias and slanted agenda of lies!

This is something that Rick Sanchez said and even though he got on air to push an amnesty agenda, CNN-Time Warner, Warner Bros and Time magazine are all agendas and North East Media Outlets simply all follow the same agendas.

After being employed by Time Warner and being a syndicated blogger, I was banned by CNN Time Warner for writing about illegal aliens and how the media covered up crime, rapes, ID theft and drug use by people who sneak in from Mexico and Central America.

So, while some people are still living in NewsCorp-Fox News land, there is a very real struggle out there and the people who are taking the hits aren’t anyone in the Republican Party or Government. It is us!