Maybe somebody took this up already on this website but I just read where Barack Obama not only said that people in small towns were frustrated over the economy so they "..stick to their religous or gun rights values..." but he went on and said they were "....going to against illegal immigration as well...".

Hmmm? Well, we know Barack marched with the illegals so I should not be surprised but this guy is finally showing his true colors. His minister Mr. Wright is not frustrated?

Obviously, Barack Obama welcomes all immigrants legal or illegal. That is what I read into his comments and actions. I don't like McCain and his scamnesty but at least McCain was part of a legal process to change a law in favor of amnesty.

Yes, Mr. Obama I think we are frustrated for the simple fact that the law is not being enforced. We are tired of being second class citizens to illegal aliens who quite frannkly are not supposed to be here. Why do politicans like Obama live in denial?

Mr. Obama is a sorry excuse for a presidential candidate who seems to want to pick and choose which laws to follow. He is not alone however since Mr. Bush has done the same.