
January 23, 2010


Saturday Forum

A Liberal Immigration Patriot in Is Shocked By Attacks Against Him In Huffington Post; etc.

From: Mick Jones (e-mail him)

I am a liberal on all issues but immigration.

Whether it is legal or illegal, uncontrolled immigration from the Third World is a catastrophe for the United States.

As our nation continues to fill up with alien populations, eventually we will become one of them.

I mistakenly believed that others also saw this obvious fact.

Consequently I was shocked when I received a great number of hateful responses to my reply to one of the blogs on the Huffington Post about California’s problems.

Here, word for word, is what I wrote:

"I know this is going to set off the usual firestorm reaction, but so be it. The problem with California is that for the last 40 years we have imported millions upon millions of Third World people. They are for the most part uneducated and use vast amount of social services. The two main items in the budget that have gone through the roof are education and medical costs.

“Don't believe we are in crisis? Go to an emergency room in Los Angeles. Some have as many as a thousand people. It looks more like Calcutta than America. The fault lies with both the politically correct Democrats and the cheap labor loving Republicans. In other words both parties have sold California down the river. Don't worry, your state will be next.

“Before you accuse me of being some sort of bigot, I want to say I don't blame the people for coming. But we can't just take everybody forever. We have more than 38 million people. What shocks me is even the environmentalists are cowed into silence by political correctness.

“That is why I dumped the Sierra Club. This is not a liberal or conservative issue but one of survival of our state and country." [VDARE.Com links added]

Most of the Huffington Post responses to me accused me of being a Nazi, a John Bircher or a dumb racist. Many were vulgar and threatening.

When I replied in self-defense, none of my e-mails made it through the moderator and were never posted. My completely reasonable views were censored.

That’s when I realized that Political Correctness at the Huffington Post scares it off from touching a realistic analysis of immigration. No one would touch the subject with a ten-foot pole. This is ironic since an immigration moratorium is critical to preserve our country.

Because of immigration Los Angeles, where I have lived all my life and which was once one of the most civilized and advanced cities in the world, resembles Brazil.

Jones has a Master’s Degree in geography, a subject he says is completely ignored in modern America.

Peter Brimelow comments: Incredible to think that the eponymous Arianna Huffington was my partner in the 1995 Firing Line debate keyed to Alien Nation—but then, so was Bill Buckley!


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