Being John McCain

March 13, 2007 updated 1:59 am EDT

Senator McCain hasn't been himself, lately. Not because he's been acting funny (though he has been). And not because he's been a bit down on his luck (though he has been that as well). No, the senator's problem is a stickier one: John McCain is not the " John McCain" of the 2008 race.

That's to say, he doesn't fit into the campaign's storyline the way he used to. And since his appeal has always been built on his story — former POW war-hero turned maverick hell-raiser, here to save the Republic from corruption — the problem could prove fatal.

Mr. McCain, of course, was quite thoroughly himself back in 1999 and 2000, when his media star reached its peak. On the campaign trail, he compared himself to Luke Skywalker, executing daring raids on the Death Star that was the Republican establishment, commanded by George "Darth" Bush and Karl "Palpatine" Rove.

Now, however, some are suggesting that Mr. McCain bears a closer resemblance to Luke Skywalker's father — once a rebel, but now co-opted and corrupted by his lust for power.
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